HSK 1 Character List
- yī一one;same;also;otherwise;once;as soon as;a note of the scale in gongchepu , corresponding to 17 in numbered musical notation1

- èr二two;different2

- jiǔ九nine;many;numerous;each of the nine nine-day periods beginning from the day after the Winter Solstice2

- bā八eight;octo-2

- qī七seven;a seventh day after death, when sacrifice is offered until seven times seven days is over2

- liǎo了finish;complete;end;fulfill;entirely;a bit2

- rén人people;person;he;humanity;man;face;human being;spirit;character;soul;creature;bod2

- shí十ten;topmost2

- ér儿child;youngster;youth;son;male2

- jī几how many;a few;several;some;a small table;nearly;almost;practically2

- bǔ卜2

- me么What;for interrogatives and adverbs;separates topical first clause from conclusive second clause in a sentence3

- fēi飞fly;flit;float or flutter in the air;volatilize;unexpected;accidental;unfounded;groundless;swiftly;speedily;free wheel of a bicycle3

- gè个individual3

- shàng上upper;up;upward;higher;go up;mount;board;get on;falling-rising tone3

- dà大big;large;strong;heavy;greatly;fully;not very;not often;adult;grown-up;father;one989s father989s brother;be going to;will;shall3

- zǐ子son;person;ancient title of respect for a learned or virtuous man;seed;young;small;tender;you3

- xià下below;down;under;underneath;downward;descend;alight;get off;fall3

- xiǎo小small;little;petty;minor;the young;concubine;for a while;for a short time3

- gōng工worker;workman;the working class;work;be good at;be versed in;be expert in;exquisite;delicate3

- sān三three;many;tri-;several;more than two3

- nǚ女female;woman;girl;daughter3

- yā丫3

- jīn今modern;present-day;nowadays;now4

- shí什assorted;varied;miscellaneous;ten4

- shū书book;style of calligraphy;script;letter;write4

- wǔ午noon;midday;the seventh of the twelve Earthly Branches4

- yǒu友friend;friendly4

- chē车vehicle;wheeled machine or instrument;machine;lathe;turn;lift water by waterwheel;chariot, one of the pieces in Chinese chess;castle;rook4

- liù六six;a note of the scale in gongchepu , corresponding to 5 in numbered musical notation;a surname4

- bù不without;does not;don989t;un-;nay;needn989t;nope;nae;not;no;a-;in-4

- zhōng中centre;middle;China;in;good for;agreeable to;all right;O.K;well;hit;fit exactly;be hit by;fall into4

- tiān天sky;heaven;day;a period of time in a day;overhead;natural;innate4

- fēn分divide;separate;part;distribute;branch;fraction;portion;one-tenth;fen, a unit of length;component;what is within one989s duty or rights;judge4

- kāi开open;turn on;switch on;be on;percentage;division of standard size printing paper;carat;kelvin4

- jiàn见see;catch sight of;meet with;be exposed to;view;opinion;idea4

- yuè月the moon;month;monthly;full-moon shaped;round4

- shuǐ水water;river;a general term for rivers, lakes, seas, etc;current;riparian land4

- rèn认recognize;identify;know;make out4

- qì气gas;air;breath;weather;get angry;be enraged;make angry;enrage4

- shǎo少few;little;be short;lack;lose;be missing;seldom;a little while;a moment;young;son of a rich family;young master4

- tài太highest;greatest;remotest;extreme;too;extremely;exceedingly;very4

- wǔ五five;a note of the scale in gongchepu , corresponding to 6 in numbered musical notation4

- diàn电electricity;telegram;cable;give or get an electric shock;send a telegram;telegraph;wire5

- hàn汉Chinese;the Han Dynasty;man;the Han nationality5

- mén们after personal pronoun or a noun referring to a person to form the plural;in personification after a noun referring to an object or an animal to form the plural;after the name of a person to mean peop5

- jiào叫cry;shout;call;greet;male5

- xiě写write;make;describe;pen;compose;write out;depict5

- hào号name;assumed name;alternative name;business house;mark;feel;howl;yell;wail5

- tā他he;him;other;another;elsewhere5

- duì对answer;reply;treat;cope with;mutually;face to face;divide into halves;opposite;opposing;right;correct;antithetical couplet;couplet;pair;couple5

- shēng生give birth to;bear;be born;grow;life;livelihood;pupil;student;living;unripe;green;raw;very5

- qù去go;leave;remove;get rid of;past;last;very;extremely;falling tone, one of the four tones in classical Chinese and the fourth tone in modern standard Chinese pronunciation5

- běn本stem or root of plants;foundation;origin;basis;book;volume;reel;original;one989s own;native;principal;originally;follow;base on;according to5

- dǎ打strike;hit;knock;break;from;since;dozen5

- sì四four;a note of the scale in gongchepu , corresponding to 6 in numbered musical notation5

- ma吗what6

- mā妈mother;ma;mum;mummy6

- mǐ米rice;shelled or husked seed;metre6

- nà那that;看看这, 看看那, 真有说 不出的高兴。② 在口语里, "那"单用或者后面直接跟名词, 说 nà 或 nè;"那"后面跟量词或数词加量词, 常常说 nèi 或 nè。 以下"那个"、"那会儿"、"那些"、"那样"各条在口语里都常常说 nèi- 或 nè-, "那么些"、"那么样"、"那么着"各条在口语里都常常说 nè;then;in that case;a surname6

- tā她she;her6

- zài在exist;be living;stay;remain;in process of;in course of6

- zì字character;word;pronunciation;form of a written or printed character;be betrothed6

- chī吃eat;take;make;have one989s meals;by6

- yī衣clothing;garment;coating;dress6

- mǎi买buy;get;purchase;ask for;handle6

- suì岁year6

- yǒu有have;own;exist;bear;possess;have had;you get;boast;with;be;there is6

- huì会get together;assemble;meet;see;meeting;gathering;party;get-together;compute;ancient flag6

- nián年year;New Year;age;a period in one989s life;annual;yearly6

- hòu后after;rear;post-;back;behind;queen;retro-6

- duō多many;much;more;more than the correct or required number;over;odd;exceed a number;much more;far more6

- tóng同same;similar;alike;like;be the same as;together;in common;with;as;for;and;as well as6

- hǎo好good;fine;nice;be in good health;so as to;so that;may;can;should;like;love;be fond of;be liable to6

- jī机machine;engine;aircraft;aeroplane;flexible;quick-witted6

- huí回circle;wind;return;go back;time;chapter;the Hui nationality6

- lǎo老aged;old;of long standing;outdated;old people;short for Lao Zi -- the founder of Taoism;become old;die;long;always;very6

- xiān先first;before;in advance;earlier6

- míng名name;appellation;fame;reputation;describe;express;given name;famous;well-known;notable6

- zài再again;re-;over;still;once more;any longer;another time;anew6

- shī师teacher;master;model;example;imitate6

- kuài块piece;lump;chunk;yuan, the basic unit of money in China7

- lǐ里lining;liner;inside;inner;li, a Chinese unit of length7

- nǐ你you;one;yourself;thee;anyone7

- zhè这this;this moment;now7

- shí识know;understand;knowledge;insight;remember;commit to memory;mark;sign7

- yī医doctor;physician;medical science;medicine;cure;treat7

- zuò坐sit;be seated;take a seat;travel by;seat;place;because;for the reason that;for no reason at all;without cause or reason7

- lěng冷cold;cold in manner;frosty;unfrequented;cool;freeze;ignore7

- fàn饭meal;cooked cereals7

- wǒ我I;my;me;we;us;moi7

- lái来come;arrive;crop up;take place;future;coming;next;ever since;about;around7

- shí时time;days;fixed time;now and then;occasionally;from time to time;now ... now;sometimes ... sometimes7

- zuò作rise;get up;stand up;write;writings;work;do;workshop;mill7

- méi没not have;there is not;be without;not be as good as;no;not;never;sink;submerge;overflow;rise beyond;last;end7

- tīng听hear;listen;obey;accept;tin;can7

- zhù住live;reside;accommodate;lodge7

- bà爸dad;father;pa;poppa;dada8

- diàn店store;shop;inn8

- hé和gentle;mild;kind;harmonious;peace;sum;Japan;draw;tie;together with;to;with;and;join in the singing;compose a poem in reply;mix with water, etc;mix;blend;complete a set in mahjong8

A total of 150 are included and 100 are currently displayed.