
how to write you(have) in chinese

radicalsStroke count6
eanglish meaninghave; own; exist; bear; possess; have had; you get; boast; with; be; there is

  Stroke order of the Chinese character "有" (you)


Try writing this character 有 online

Basic explanations

v. (表示领有或具有) have; possess:

1.  属于全民所
belong to the whole people;

2.  百利而无一弊
have every advantage and no drawback;

3.  每家至少3头奶牛。
Each family possesses at least three milk cows.

4.  人民群众无限的创造力。
The masses have boundless creative power.

5.  他略微些山东口音。
He has a slight Shandong accent.

6.  热情,朝气。
She is full of vigour and enthusiasm.

7.  一个弟弟。
I have a younger brother.

8.  这个国家丰富的矿产资源。
The country possesses rich mineral resources.

v. (表示存在) there is; exist:

1.  许多工作要做。
Much still remains to be done.

2.  火星上生命吗?
Does life exist on Mars?

3.  教室里30名学生。
There are thirty students in the classroom.

4.  屋里人吗?
Is there anyone in the room?

5.  许多东西里盐分。
Salt exists in many things.

6.  这座位人吗?
Is this seat taken?

v. (表示估量或比较):

1.  3米多深。
The water is more than 3 metres deep.

2.  他哥哥那么高。
He is as tall as his brother.

3.  问题那么严重吗?
Is the problem that serious?

v. (表示发生或出现):

1.  问题就去解决
deal with a problem as soon as it crops up;

2.  近几年来, 这一艺术了新的跃进。
In the last few years, this art has made a big leap.

3.  他的病了好转。
His illness has taken a turn for the better.

4.  小莉气喘嘘嘘地告诉我,“爷爷病了。”
“Grandpa's taken ill,” Xiao Li told me breathlessly.

5.  形势了很大的变化。
A great change has taken place in the situation.

v. (表示多, 大):

1.  经验
be experienced;

2.  了年纪
be getting on in years;

3.  他干这一行年头了。
He has been doing this sort of work for years.

4.  种菜看起来容易, 其实大学问。
Growing vegetables looks easy, but actually it takes a lot of learning.

v. (泛指, 跟“某”的作用相近):

1.  人想见你。
Someone wants to see you.

2.  些事还需要商量。
Certain things are still open to discussion.

3.  一年春天这里风沙很大。
One spring it was very windy and dusty here.

v. (用在“人、时候、地方”前面, 表示一部分):

1.  人说可以,人说不可以。
Some say yes; some say no.

2.  这个措施地方适用,地方不适用。
This measure is suited to some localities, but not to others.

3.  这里时候也能热到39度。
The temperature here sometimes goes up to thirty-nine degrees centigrade.

v. (用在某些动词的前面组成套语, 表示客气):

1.  劳费神
sorry to have put you to such bother;

2.  劳远迎。
I deeply appreciate your kindness in coming so far to meet me.

n. (姓氏) a surname:

You Ruo

Words with the chinese character you(有)

                                限公司           难再       所区别   钱人       效证件             诗意   效期               点儿       时候         点像