
how to write biao da(deliver) in chinese

pinyinbiǎo dá
eanglish meaningdeliver; express; show; voice; convey; profess one\' devotion; describe; demonstrate; articulation; render; communication; reflection; signal

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "表" (biao)     detail about chinese character 表
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "达" (da)     detail about chinese character 达


Try writing this chinese words 表达 online

Basic explanations

1.  非语言所能表达
can't be conveyed by words;

2.  无法表达
beyond expression;

3.  充分表达我自己的感情
adequately express my sentiment;

4.  清楚有力地表达自己的意见
express oneself clearly and forcibly;

5.  口头表达
express verbally;

6.  用英语表达思想
express oneself in English;

7.  表达人民的美好愿望
voice the good wishes of the people;

8.  我们对你的感激难以用语言表达
Words can hardly express our gratitude to you.

Words with the chinese character biao da(表达)

语言表达   表达