
how to write bu rong(not tolerate) in chinese

pinyinbù róng
eanglish meaningnot tolerate; not allow; not brook; do not allow; not allow exist

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "不" (bu)     detail about chinese character 不
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "容" (rong)     detail about chinese character 容


Try writing this chinese words 不容 online

Basic explanations

1.  不容辩解
allow of no excuse;

2.  不容耽搁
allow of no delay;

3.  不容反悔

4.  不容怀疑
admit of no doubt; above suspicion;

5.  不容或缓
admit of no delay;

6.  不容侵犯
brook no violation; be inviolable;

7.  不容申辩
immune to all plead;

8.  不容歪曲
brook no distortion;

9.  不容外国干涉
tolerate no foreign interference;

10.  情况一刻也不容迟缓。
The situation allows of no delay.

Words with the chinese character bu rong(不容)
