
how to write ku zao(Dull) in chinese

pinyinkū zào
eanglish meaningDull; monotonous; uninteresting; dull and dry; dried up

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "枯" (ku)     detail about chinese character 枯
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "燥" (zao)     detail about chinese character 燥


Try writing this chinese words 枯燥 online

Basic explanations

1.  枯燥乏味的谈话
insipid conversation;

2.  枯燥的题目
a dry subject;

3.  枯燥的书味同嚼蜡。
A dull book lacks interest.

4.  她感到医院的工作有点枯燥乏味。
She found the hospital routine slightly dull.

Words with the chinese character ku zao(枯燥)
