
how to write bu dui(army) in chinese

pinyinbù duì
eanglish meaningarmy; armed forces; unit; (units of) the armed forces; troop; presence

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "部" (bu)     detail about chinese character 部
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "队" (dui)     detail about chinese character 队


Try writing this chinese words 部队 online

Basic explanations


1.  边防部队
frontier forces;

2.  步兵部队

3.  测绘部队
topographic troops;

4.  导弹部队
missile unit;

5.  地方部队
local forces;

6.  地面部队
ground forces;

7.  防空部队
air defense unit; anti-aircraft unit;

8.  高射炮部队
anti-aircraft artillery unit;

9.  工兵部队
engineer troops; sappers;

10.  后备部队
reserve unit;

11.  后勤部队
service troops; logistics unit;

12.  化学兵部队
chemical troops;

13.  火箭部队
rocket unit;

14.  机械化部队
mechanized forces; mechanized unit;

15.  空降部队
airborne troops;

16.  雷达部队
radar troops;

17.  骑兵部队

18.  汽车运输部队
motor transport troops;

19.  伞兵部队
parachute troops;

20.  水陆两栖部队
amphibious troops;

21.  坦克部队
tank unit;

22.  特种部队
special troops;

23.  通讯兵部队
signal troops;

24.  作战部队
combat unit;

25.  人民解放军北京部队
PLA the Beijing Command;

26.  部队就要出发了。
The troops are about to set out.

27.  这是一支野战部队
This is a field army unit.

Words with the chinese character bu dui(部队)

特种部队   部队