
how to write ji dong(excite) in chinese

pinyinjī dòng
eanglish meaningexcite; stir; agitate; sensation; move; surge; thrill; feeling; touched; aflame; drama; up; wig; flap; electricity

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "激" (ji)     detail about chinese character 激
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "动" (dong)     detail about chinese character 动


Try writing this chinese words 激动 online

Basic explanations

1.  非常激动
be greatly [much] excited;

2.  激动得流下眼泪
be moved to tears;

3.  激动地说
speak in an agitated tone; say with feeling;

4.  激动人心的讲话
a stirring speech; a rousing speech;

5.  克制激动情绪
combat excitement;

6.  令人激动的场面
an inspiring scene;

7.  情绪激动
be excited; get worked up;

8.  我认为我成功地掩饰了内心的激动
I think I successfully concealed my inner excitement.

9.  他们无法抑制自己的激动
They couldn't restrain their excitement.

10.  激动得浑身发抖。
She was shaking with emotion.

Words with the chinese character ji dong(激动)

激动   激动人心   激动万分   激动不已