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how to write chuang zuo(create) in chinese

eanglish meaningcreate; produce; write; creative work; creation; composition; compose
eanglish meaningcreate; produce; write; creative work; creation; composition; compose
Stroke order of the Chinese words "创" (chuang) detail about chinese character 创
Stroke order of the Chinese words "作" (zuo) detail about chinese character 作
Basic explanations
1. 创作美术作品
produce works of art;
2. 善于模仿而拙于创作
be quick to imitate but powerless to create;
3. 他认识到他必须和人民同呼吸,创作人民需要的音乐。
He realized that he must feel with the people and write the music they need.
4. 这个曲子是一位教师创作的。
The music was written by a teacher.
1. 划时代的创作
epoch-making creative work;
2. 文艺创作
literary and artistic creation