
how to write ting zhi(cease) in chinese

pinyintíng zhǐ
eanglish meaningcease; suspend; call off; halt; stop; pause; bring an end to; call of; end up; fetch up; leave off; wind up; quit; discontinue; standstill; desist; cessation; terminat

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "停" (ting)     detail about chinese character 停
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "止" (zhi)     detail about chinese character 止


Try writing this chinese words 停止 online

Basic explanations

1.  停止供水
cut off the water supply; cut off the water;

2.  停止工作
stop working;

3.  停止诉讼
discontinuance of action;

4.  停止营业
business suspended;

5.  停止罢工
call off a strike;

6.  我走近时他们停止了谈话。
They stopped talking at my approach.

7.  他们必须停止一切挑衅。
They must immediately cease all their provocations.

Words with the chinese character ting zhi(停止)
