
how to write miao shou hui chun(effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life) in chinese

pinyinmiào shǒu huí chūn
eanglish meaningeffect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life; bring a patient back to life; a skilled man brings back the spring; bring life back to a patie

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "妙" (miao)     detail about chinese character 妙
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "手" (shou)     detail about chinese character 手
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "回" (hui)     detail about chinese character 回
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "春" (chun)     detail about chinese character 春


Try writing this chinese words 妙手回春 online

Basic explanations

1.  她是个妙手回春的民间医生。
It was said that she was as effective as god, bringing the dying back to life.

2.  要不是你妙手回春, 我早就见阎王了。
But for your magic hand, I'd have long kicked the bucket.

Words with the chinese character miao shou hui chun(妙手回春)
