
how to write jian dan(simple) in chinese

pinyinjiǎn dān
eanglish meaningsimple; simplicity; plain; ordinary; uncomplicated; casual; oversimplified; commonplace; sketchy

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "简" (jian)     detail about chinese character 简
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "单" (dan)     detail about chinese character 单


Try writing this chinese words 简单 online

Basic explanations

1.  构造简单
simple in structure;

2.  头脑简单
simple-minded; seeing things too simply;

3.  学习简单明了地讲话
learn to speak plain;

4.  一项简单的工作
a straightforward job;

5.  事情没那么简单
There is more to it.

1.  简单
not simple; fairly complicated; remarkable;

2.  她的枪法那么好, 真不简单
She's marvel to be able to shoot with such accuracy.

1.  简单从事
do things in a casual [perfunctory] way;

2.  简单地看问题
take a naive view; oversimplify a problem;

3.  不能用简单的方法去解决这个问题。
This matter cannot be settled in a summary fashion.

4.  这篇文章我只是简单地看了看。
I only skimmed through this article.

Words with the chinese character jian dan(简单)
