
how to write (recognize) in chinese

pinyinchéng rèn
eanglish meaningrecognize; acknowledge; admit; confess; own; concede; own up; avow; give diplomatic recognition

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "承" ()     detail about chinese character 承
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "认" ()     detail about chinese character 认


Try writing this chinese words 承认 online

Basic explanations

1.  承认错误
admit one's mistake; acknowledge one's fault;

2.  承认负有责任
admission of liability;

3.  承认事实
admission of fact;

4.  承认遗嘱
acknowledgement of will;

5.  承认有罪
admission of guilt;

6.  那人私下承认他的动机是为了牟利。
The man privately admits that his motive is profits.

7.  这种观点没有得到广泛的承认
The view has not received wide acceptance.

1.  承认新国家
recognition of a new state;

2.  承认新政府
recognition of a new government;

3.  法律承认[拉]
de jure recognition;

4.  互相承认
mutual recognition;

5.  事实上承认[拉]
de facto recognition

Words with the chinese character (承认)
