
how to write kuo zhang(expansion) in chinese

pinyinkuò zhāng
eanglish meaningexpansion; expand; dilate; dilation; extend; enlarge; imperialism; aggrandize

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "扩" (kuo)     detail about chinese character 扩
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "张" (zhang)     detail about chinese character 张


Try writing this chinese words 扩张 online

Basic explanations

1.  军事和政治扩张
military and political expansion;

2.  海外扩张
overseas expansion;

3.  对外扩张
expansionism; foreign aggrandizement;

4.  领土扩张
territorial expansion; territorial aggrandizement;

5.  靠征服(别的国家)来扩张其领土
extend her territory by conquest

1.  血管扩张
blood vessel dilatation;

2.  呼吸时肺部扩张
The lungs dilate in breathing.

Words with the chinese character kuo zhang(扩张)
