
how to write ru men(introduction) in chinese

pinyinrù mén
eanglish meaningintroduction; induction; threshold; ABC; cross the threshold; learn the rudiments of a subject; learn the ABC of; ushered into a subject

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "入" (ru)     detail about chinese character 入
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "门" (men)     detail about chinese character 门


Try writing this chinese words 入门 online

Basic explanations

1.  他学汉语刚刚入门
He has just learned the rudiments of Chinese.

2.  我还没入门呢。
I don't even know the ABC of the subject yet.

3.  他是我的入门师傅。
He is the master who initiated me into the craft.

4.  入门不难,深造不易。
To cross the threshold is not difficult, but mastery is another question.

1.  《摄影入门
The ABC of Photography;

2.  《英语语法入门
Elementary English Grammar

Words with the chinese character ru men(入门)
