
how to write jian cha(inspect) in chinese

pinyinjiǎn chá
eanglish meaninginspect; examination; examine; test; review; monitor; screen; check up; censor; looked up; self-criticism

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "检" (jian)     detail about chinese character 检
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "查" (cha)     detail about chinese character 查


Try writing this chinese words 检查 online

Basic explanations

1.  检查工作
check up on work;

2.  检查护照
inspect sb.'s passport;

3.  检查身体
have a physical examination; have a health check; have a medical check-up;

4.  检查视力
test sb.'s eyesight;

5.  检查行李
inspect [examine] sb.'s luggage;

6.  检查账目
check the account; audit the account;

7.  检查质量[品质]
check on the quality of sth.;

8.  检查设备
survey the equipment;

9.  检查船只
rummage a ship;

10.  检查一天的工作
review the day's work;

11.  钡餐检查
barium meal examination;

12.  常规检查
routine examination;

13.  全身检查
general check-up;

14.  体格检查
physical examination; physical [medical] check-up;

15.  透视检查
examine by fluoroscopy;

16.  卫生检查
sanitary inspection; check up on sanitation; inspect the sanitary conditions;

17.  新闻检查
press censorship;

18.  邮件[政]检查
postal inspection;

19.  做诊断检查
work up a patient;

20.  把练习检查一遍再交。
Look over exercises before handing them in.

21.  检查屋顶时未发现渗漏。
An inspection of the roof showed no leaks.

1.  检查
write a self-criticism;

2.  检查
criticize oneself; make a self-criticism

Words with the chinese character jian cha(检查)
