
how to write hou guo(consequence) in chinese

pinyinhòu guǒ
eanglish meaningconsequence; resultant; result; aftermath; ramification; fallout; sequent

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "后" (hou)     detail about chinese character 后
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "果" (guo)     detail about chinese character 果


Try writing this chinese words 后果 online

Basic explanations

1.  后果负责
answer for the consequence;

2.  前因后果
cause and effect;

3.  我愿意承担后果
I'm willing to accept the consequences.

4.  后果不堪设想。
The consequences would be too ghastly to contemplate.

5.  这一步骤带来了许多严重的后果
This step involved many fateful consequences.

Words with the chinese character hou guo(后果)
