
how to write da kai(open) in chinese

pinyindǎ kāi
eanglish meaningopen; turn on; switch on; open up; break; unfold; unpack; spread; undo; widen; unfasten; untie; break out; unwind

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "打" (da)     detail about chinese character 打
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "开" (kai)     detail about chinese character 开


Try writing this chinese words 打开 online

Basic explanations

1.  打开包袱
untie a bundle;

2.  打开盖子
take off the lid;

3.  打开铁锁链
break open the iron shackles;

4.  打开降落伞
slip parachute

1.  打开收音机[电灯]
turn on the radio [light]

1.  打开一条出路
break through an encirclement or fight a way out

1.  打开地图
spread out the map;

2.  打开局面
open up a new prospect;

3.  打开思路
broaden one's scope of mind;

4.  打开眼界
widen one's horizon

Words with the chinese character da kai(打开)
