
how to write jiao tong(traffic) in chinese

pinyinjiāo tōng
eanglish meaningtraffic; transportation; communications; association; unobstructed; collude with

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "交" (jiao)     detail about chinese character 交
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "通" (tong)     detail about chinese character 通


Try writing this chinese words 交通 online

Basic explanations

1.  阡陌交通
crisscross of paths in fields

1.  交通便利
have transport facilities;

2.  交通繁忙
heavy traffic;

3.  妨碍交通
interfere with the traffic;

4.  公路交通
highway traffic;

5.  陆上交通
land traffic;

6.  市区交通
urban traffic;

7.  违反交通规则
contravene the traffic regulations

1.  交通
liaison man; underground messenger;

2.  交通
do liaison work