
how to write tuo li(disengage) in chinese

pinyintuō lí
eanglish meaningdisengage; divorce; break away; isolate; be divorced from; break away from; withdraw; secede; disaffiliate; separate oneself from; isolate oneself from; abscissi

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "脱" (tuo)     detail about chinese character 脱
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "离" (li)     detail about chinese character 离


Try writing this chinese words 脱离 online

Basic explanations

1.  脱离本题
digress from the subject;

2.  脱离关系
break off relations; cut ties;

3.  脱离羁绊
kick over the traces;

4.  脱离困境
off the hook;

5.  脱离实际
lose contact with reality; be divorced from reality; long-haired; visionary;

6.  脱离实际的人
flower child;

7.  脱离危险
be out of danger; out of woods;

8.  脱离群众
cut oneself off from the masses; be divorced from the masses

Words with the chinese character tuo li(脱离)
