
how to write ren shi(personnel matters) in chinese

pinyinrén shì
eanglish meaningpersonnel matters; human affairs; gift; consciousness of the outside world; occurrences in human life; ways of the world; what is humanly possible

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "人" (ren)     detail about chinese character 人
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "事" (shi)     detail about chinese character 事


Try writing this chinese words 人事 online

Basic explanations

1.  人事变迁
births and deaths, comings and goings

1.  人事调动
transfer of personnel;

2.  人事更迭
change of personnel;

3.  人事安排
assignment of personnel

1.  不懂人事
not know the ways of the world

1.  不省人事
lose consciousness

1.  人事
do what is humanly possible; do one's best

Words with the chinese character ren shi(人事)

人事   人事经理