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how to write da yun he(the Grand Canal) in chinese
eanglish meaningthe Grand Canal
eanglish meaningthe Grand Canal
Stroke order of the Chinese words "大" (da) detail about chinese character 大
Stroke order of the Chinese words "运" (yun) detail about chinese character 运
Stroke order of the Chinese words "河" (he) detail about chinese character 河
Basic explanations
1. 中国的大运河是世界最长的运河。 它北起北京, 南至杭州, 全长1794公里。 沟通黄河、淮河、长江和钱塘江, 现为南水北调的重要通道之一。
The Grand Canal in China is the world's longest canal, which runs 1794 kilometers from Beijing in the north to Hangzhou in the south. By linking the Yellow River, the Huai River, the Changjiang [Yangtze] River, and the Qiantang River, it serves as a most