
how to write (ambition) in chinese

pinyinyě xīn
eanglish meaningambition; careerism; wild ambition; free,unburdened mind

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "野" ()     detail about chinese character 野
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "心" ()     detail about chinese character 心


Try writing this chinese words 野心 online

Basic explanations

1.  狂妄的野心
audacious ambition;

2.  政治野心
political ambition;

3.  实现霸占全球的野心
achieve a global ambition;

4.  他的野心毫无止境。
His ambition is unbounded.

5.  他的野心没有得逞。
His ambition was not satisfied.

6.  她没有个人野心
She has no personal ambition.

Words with the chinese character (野心)
