
how to write tong qing(sympathy) in chinese

pinyintóng qíng
eanglish meaningsympathy; compassion; sympathize with; sympathize; pity; feel for; feeling; sorry; commiseration; merci; appreciation; show sympathy for; with one heart; conspire;

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "同" (tong)     detail about chinese character 同
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "情" (qing)     detail about chinese character 情


Try writing this chinese words 同情 online

Basic explanations

1.  同情某人
feel pity for sb.;

2.  同情他的不幸
sympathize with him in his misfortune;

3.  博得同情
win sympathy;

4.  我很同情你。
I heartily sympathize with you.; I have every sympathy for you.

5.  同情所有孤独的人。
She has a soft place in her heart for all lonely people.

Words with the chinese character tong qing(同情)
