
how to write gao du(height) in chinese

pinyingāo dù
eanglish meaningheight; high; level; altitude; elevation; with the highest degree

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "高" (gao)     detail about chinese character 高
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "度" (du)     detail about chinese character 度


Try writing this chinese words 高度 online

Basic explanations

1.  飞行高度
flying altitude;

2.  山的高度
the height of a mountain

1.  高度的警惕性
high vigilance;

2.  高度的责任感
highly-developed sense of responsibility;

3.  高度现代化的工厂
a highly modernized plant;

4.  高度发达的商品经济
highly developed commodity economy;

5.  高度权威
full authority;

6.  高度社会化的大生产
highly socialized mass production;

7.  高度文明,高度民主的国家
culturally advanced and highly democratic nation;

8.  高度赞扬
speak highly of;

9.  高度的概括和总结
masterly generalization and summation;

10.  高度集中的国家决策体系
highly centralized policy-making setup of the state;

11.  高度集中的统一管理
high degree of centralized and unified management;

12.  高度集中、以行政管理为主的体制
highly centralized system operated chiefly by administrative means; highly centralized setup, which runs economic affairs chiefly along administrative lines; highly centralized economic setup, which runs the economy chiefly by administrative method; highl

Words with the chinese character gao du(高度)

高度   海拔高度