
how to write hou hui(regret) in chinese

pinyinhòu huǐ
eanglish meaningregret; sorry; repent; remorse; rue

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "后" (hou)     detail about chinese character 后
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "悔" (hui)     detail about chinese character 悔


Try writing this chinese words 后悔 online

Basic explanations

1.  后悔不已
be seized with remorse;

2.  在深深的后悔之中
in deep remorse;

3.  对自己的粗心大意表示后悔
repent of one's carelessness;

4.  一点不后悔
have no regrets at all;

5.  (当时)拒绝您的盛情邀请,深感后悔
Much to my regret,I refused to accept your kind invitation.

Words with the chinese character hou hui(后悔)
