
how to write kou hao(slogan) in chinese

pinyinkǒu hào
eanglish meaningslogan; chant; cry; watchword; battle-cry; jingle; clarion call; password; shibboleth; adage; ode; doggerel

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "口" (kou)     detail about chinese character 口
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "号" (hao)     detail about chinese character 号


Try writing this chinese words 口号 online

Basic explanations

1.  口号
shout slogans;

2.  政治口号
political slogans;

3.  “精益求精”是我们的口号
"Excelsior" is our watchword.

4.  “微笑服务”是那家商店的口号
"Service with a smile" is the store's slogan.

Words with the chinese character kou hao(口号)

口号   销售口号