
how to write long duan(monopoly) in chinese

pinyinlǒng duàn
eanglish meaningmonopoly; monopolize; corner; forestall; be widely separated by mountain range

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "垄" (long)     detail about chinese character 垄
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "断" (duan)     detail about chinese character 断


Try writing this chinese words 垄断 online

Basic explanations

1.  垄断市场
corner the market; captive market; monopolize the market; forestall the market; engross the market;

2.  垄断市价
corner the market;

3.  国家垄断
a state monopoly;

4.  钢铁垄断资本家[集团]
the steel monopolies

Words with the chinese character long duan(垄断)
