
how to write ji chu(foundation) in chinese

pinyinjī chǔ
eanglish meaningfoundation; base; basis; seat; cornerstone; ground-work; economic base; fundamental; rudiments; backbone; baseline; substructure; footing; underpinning; handmaiden;

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "基" (ji)     detail about chinese character 基
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "础" (chu)     detail about chinese character 础


Try writing this chinese words 基础 online

Basic explanations

1.  经济基础
economic base [basis];

2.  理论基础
theoretical basis;

3.  物质基础
material base;

4.  在和平共处五项原则的基础上, 同各国建立和发展关系
establish and develop our relations with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence;

5.  基础
lay a foundation;

6.  为增产打下坚实的基础
lay solid foundations for increased production;

7.  在已有的基础上前进
build on past achievements;

8.  这是两国关系应得到继续发展, 并可能得到继续发展的基础
This is the basis on which our bilateral relations can and should continue to develop.

Words with the chinese character ji chu(基础)

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