
how to write cuo wu(error) in chinese

pinyincuò wù
eanglish meaningerror; wrong; out; incorrect; erroneous; mistaken; flaw; blue; misstep; mal-; falsity; bloomer

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "错" (cuo)     detail about chinese character 错
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "误" (wu)     detail about chinese character 误


Try writing this chinese words 错误 online

Basic explanations

1.  错误的结论
wrong conclusion;

2.  错误言论
erroneous remarks;

3.  错误思潮
erroneous ideological trend;

4.  错误估计形势
make a wrong estimate of the situation;

5.  错误路线
an erroneous line;

6.  错误思想
wrong thinking; a mistaken idea

1.  错误
make a mistake; commit an error;

2.  拼写错误
spelling mistake;

3.  计算错误
make mistakes in calculation;

4.  错误
a slight [trifling] error;

5.  这一事故是人为错误造成的。
The accident was caused by human error.

6.  这是中国学生学英语最常犯的错误之一。
This is one of the most popular mistakes perpetrated by Chinese students of English.

Words with the chinese character cuo wu(错误)
