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how to write kong xu(empty) in chinese
eanglish meaningempty; emptiness; void; hollow; vacuum; vacuity; inanity; vacancy; aeriality
eanglish meaningempty; emptiness; void; hollow; vacuum; vacuity; inanity; vacancy; aeriality
Stroke order of the Chinese words "空" (kong) detail about chinese character 空
Stroke order of the Chinese words "虚" (xu) detail about chinese character 虚
Basic explanations
1. 思想空虚
lack mental or spiritual ballast; be impractical in one's thinking;
2. 敌人后方空虚。
The enemy rear is weakly defended.
3. 她丈夫的去世使她在生活中感到茫然空虚。
The death of her husband left a big blank in her life.
4. 他心中有悲痛的空虚感.
There was an aching void in his heart.