
how to write jie shu(end) in chinese

pinyinjié shù
eanglish meaningend; completion; finish; terminate; done; come to an end; closure; restrict; punish; culminate; desist; dress up; foreclosure

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "结" (jie)     detail about chinese character 结
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "束" (shu)     detail about chinese character 束


Try writing this chinese words 结束 online

Basic explanations

1.  结束讲话
wind up a speech;

2.  结束战争状态
terminate the state of war;

3.  宣布会议结束
declare the meeting closed;

4.  草草地结束了辩论
hastily conclude an argument;

5.  集会到中午才结束
The meeting didn't break up until noon.

6.  招待会到此结束
The reception is over.

7.  会议于下午六时结束
The meeting ended at 6 p.m.

8.  代表团结束了对我国的访问。
The delegation has concluded its visit to China.

Words with the chinese character jie shu(结束)
