
how to write bu gu(disregard) in chinese

pinyinbù gù
eanglish meaningdisregard; ignore; regardless of; in spite of; in defiance of; brush aside; bypass; brush away

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "不" (bu)     detail about chinese character 不
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "顾" (gu)     detail about chinese character 顾


Try writing this chinese words 不顾 online

Basic explanations

1.  不顾大局
ignore the larger issues; lack of consideration for the whole; show no consideration for the general interest;

2.  不顾个人得失
regardless of personal gain or loss;

3.  不顾法律
disregard of law;

4.  不顾后果
regardless of the consequences; without reflecting on the consequences;

5.  不顾前后
have no scruples; be temerarious; be unreflecting;

6.  不顾情面
without any consideration of personal feelings;

7.  不顾他86岁的高龄
in spite of his eighty-six years;

8.  不顾信义
be guilty of bad faith;

9.  不顾一切
up hill and down dale; in all desperation; regardless of all consequences; desperate;

10.  这项行政命令置法律于不顾
The administrational order was disregard of the law.

11.  他全然不顾一切礼节。
He has the greatest disregard for all formality.

Words with the chinese character bu gu(不顾)

不顾   顾三不顾   顾前不顾   顾头不顾   顾头不顾   顾头不顾