
how to write nai xin(patience) in chinese

pinyinnài xīn
eanglish meaningpatience; patient; tolerance; forbearance

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "耐" (nai)     detail about chinese character 耐
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "心" (xin)     detail about chinese character 心


Try writing this chinese words 耐心 online

Basic explanations

1.  耐心等待
be patient and wait for something; wait patiently;

2.  耐心说服教育
patient persuasion and education;

3.  耐心听取意见
listen with patience to the opinions;

4.  缺乏耐心
be lacking in patience;

5.  他表现出最大的耐心
He showed the greatest [the utmost] patience.

6.  我们对孩子要有耐心
We must be patient with children.

Words with the chinese character nai xin(耐心)
