
how to write zheng hao(just in time) in chinese

pinyinzhèng hǎo
eanglish meaningjust in time; just right; just enough; as it happiness; flat; right; just; bang; slap; plumb

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "正" (zheng)     detail about chinese character 正
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "好" (hao)     detail about chinese character 好


Try writing this chinese words 正好 online

Basic explanations

1.  你来得正好
You've come just at the right moment.

2.  你下班时坐这趟车正好
When you knock off work, you'll be just in time to catch that bus.

3.  这帽子我戴着正好
This hat fits me nicely.

4.  这件衣服我穿正好
This jacket fits me perfectly.

Words with the chinese character zheng hao(正好)
