
how to write bu fen(part) in chinese

pinyinbù fen
eanglish meaningpart; portion; section; some; segment; piece; zone; division; slice; disposition; facet; subordinate; subgroup

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "部" (bu)     detail about chinese character 部
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "分" (fen)     detail about chinese character 分


Try writing this chinese words 部分 online

Basic explanations

1.  部分禁止核试验条约
treaty on the partial halting of nuclear tests;

2.  我们看问题, 不但要看到部分, 而且要看到全体。
In approaching a problem we should see the whole as well as the parts.

3.  他完成了自己的那部分工作以后, 又去帮助别人。
After finishing his share of the work he went to help the others.

4.  我们部分地改变了原计划。
We've altered the original plan to some extent.

Words with the chinese character bu fen(部分)

部分   部分   部分