
how to write (compensate for) in chinese

pinyinpéi cháng
eanglish meaningcompensate for; pay for; indemnify; reparation; reimbursement; amends; restitution; redress; make compensation; satisfaction; satisfy; make good; recompense; make

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "赔" ()     detail about chinese character 赔
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "偿" ()     detail about chinese character 偿


Try writing this chinese words 赔偿 online

Basic explanations

1.  名誉赔偿
indemnity for defamation;

2.  部分赔偿
partially compensate;

3.  保险赔偿
insurance indemnity;

4.  战争赔偿
war reparations;

5.  风险赔偿
indemnity for risk;

6.  伤亡赔偿
compensation for injuries and deaths;

7.  损失赔偿
compensate for damage;

8.  赔偿损失的义务
obligation of compensation for losses;

9.  照价赔偿
compensate according to the cost;

10.  他答应赔偿我的损失。
He promised to indemnify me for my losses.

11.  作了全部赔偿
Full amends was made.

Words with the chinese character (赔偿)
