
how to write zheng li(arrange) in chinese

pinyinzhěng lǐ
eanglish meaningarrange; put in order; reorganize; sort out; clear up; tidy up; fix up; collate; adjust; sort; untangle; unscramble; go through

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "整" (zheng)     detail about chinese character 整
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "理" (li)     detail about chinese character 理


Try writing this chinese words 整理 online

Basic explanations

1.  整理财政
regulate finances;

2.  整理参考资料
sort out the reference materials;

3.  整理行装
pack one's things for a journey;

4.  整理房间
put a room in order; tidy (up) the room;

5.  整理文化遗产
sort out and select from our cultural heritage;

6.  整理化石
dress fossils

Words with the chinese character zheng li(整理)
