
how to write biao shi(show) in chinese

pinyinbiǎo shì
eanglish meaningshow; indicate; express; signal; mean; denote; stand for; register; submit; signify; manifestation; marker; betoken; give sb.to understand

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "表" (biao)     detail about chinese character 表
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "示" (shi)     detail about chinese character 示


Try writing this chinese words 表示 online

Basic explanations

1.  表示不服罪
plead not guilty; plead unguilty;

2.  表示服罪
plead guilty;

3.  表示愤慨
express one's indignation;

4.  表示支持
express one's support;

5.  表示感谢
express one's thanks;

6.  表示软弱
show weakness;

7.  表示态度
define one's attitude;

8.  表示同意
give one's adhesion to;

9.  表示异议

10.  用图解形式表示
show in a graphic form;

11.  点头表示赞同
nod approval;

12.  对某人表示好感
show sb. favour;

13.  表示对形势的关切
show concern over the situation;

14.  表示热烈欢迎
extend a warm welcome;

15.  友好的表示
an expression of friendship; a manifestation of friendship; a friendly gesture;

16.  红色信号灯表示人和车辆不能通行。
The red traffic light indicates that every person and vehicle must stop.

Words with the chinese character biao shi(表示)
