
how to write sheng yu(reputation) in chinese

pinyinshēng yù
eanglish meaningreputation; prestige; fame; image

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "声" (sheng)     detail about chinese character 声
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "誉" (yu)     detail about chinese character 誉


Try writing this chinese words 声誉 online

Basic explanations

1.  声誉扫地
fall into discredit;

2.  维护国家的声誉
defend the honour of one's country;

3.  赢得国际声誉
attain international reputation;

4.  有损自己的声誉
compromise one's fame;

5.  他的艺术才能使他赢得了令人羡慕的声誉
He acquired an enviable reputation for artistic ability.

Words with the chinese character sheng yu(声誉)
