
how to write dong shen(leave) in chinese

pinyindòng shēn
eanglish meaningleave; start; depart; get off; set out on a journey; go on a journey; move off; go to a place; begin a journey

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "动" (dong)     detail about chinese character 动
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "身" (shen)     detail about chinese character 身


Try writing this chinese words 动身 online

Basic explanations

1.  动身回家
depart for home;

2.  动身起程
set out for the journey;

3.  我明天动身去北京。
I'll leave for Beijing tomorrow.

4.  如果你许可, 我立即就动身
In case you give me leave, I will start at once.

5.  早饭后我们立即动身了。
We got off immediately after breakfast.

Words with the chinese character dong shen(动身)
