
how to write fa sheng(occur) in chinese

pinyinfā shēng
eanglish meaningoccur; happen; occurrence; take place; materialize; going on; emerge; arise; pass; fall; work out; enact; come about

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "发" (fa)     detail about chinese character 发
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "生" (sheng)     detail about chinese character 生


Try writing this chinese words 发生 online

Basic explanations

1.  发生问题。
Problems arose.

2.  发生了意外。
Something unexpected happened.

3.  发生冲突。
Conflicts occurred.

4.  发生了什么事?
What has happened?; What's the matter?; What has occurred?; What took place?; What has come about?; Has something come up?; What's up with (sb. and sth.)?

5.  机器发生故障。
The machine broke down.

6.  那里发生了强烈地震。
A violent earthquake occurred there.

7.  发生新的困难。
New difficulties cropped up [arose].

8.  故事发生在1960年秋天。
The story is set in the autumn of 1960.

9.  这里发生了巨大的变化。
Tremendous changes have taken place here.

10.  这事发生在河南一个偏僻的农村。
The thing happened in an out-of-the-way village in Henan.

Words with the chinese character fa sheng(发生)

发生   发生