
how to write jue ding(decision) in chinese

pinyinjué dìng
eanglish meaningdecision; decide; determine; resolution; rule; call; choose; resolve; fix on; dictate; make up one\'s mind

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "决" (jue)     detail about chinese character 决
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "定" (ding)     detail about chinese character 定


Try writing this chinese words 决定 online

Basic explanations

1.  很不愿做出决定
decide with great reluctance;

2.  决定总政策
decide the general policy;

3.  理事会决定下次比赛在上海举行。
The Council resolved that the next tournament should be held in Shanghai.

4.  对于此事我还没有作出决定
I have not yet given [rendered] my decision on that matter.

1.  集体决定
group decision;

2.  行政决定
administrate decision;

3.  通过一项决定
pass a resolution;

4.  联大通过的各项决议和决定
various resolutions and decisions adopted at the U. N. General Assembly

1.  决定性胜利
a decisive victory;

2.  决定因素
decisive factor; determinant;

3.  存在决定意识。
Man's social being determines his consciousness.

Words with the chinese character jue ding(决定)
