
how to write yu men(depressed) in chinese

pinyinyù mèn
eanglish meaningdepressed; gloomy; melancholy; dreariness; doldrums; overcast

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "郁" (yu)     detail about chinese character 郁
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "闷" (men)     detail about chinese character 闷


Try writing this chinese words 郁闷 online

Basic explanations

1.  郁闷无聊
depressed and cheerless; have a thin time;

2.  郁闷之感
a feeling of oppression;

3.  我们有什么办法能消除她的郁闷?
What can we do to chase her gloom away?

4.  他那时沮丧郁闷, 情绪低落。
He was then depressed and in despair.

Words with the chinese character yu men(郁闷)
