
how to write jie shi(get to know) in chinese

pinyinjié shí
eanglish meaningget to know; gain; get acquainted with sb; get to know sb; contract friendship

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "结" (jie)     detail about chinese character 结
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "识" (shi)     detail about chinese character 识


Try writing this chinese words 结识 online

Basic explanations

1.  结识了许多朋友
have made a lot of friends;

2.  许多人竭力想结识他。
Many people sought his acquaintance.

3.  我们是在火车长途旅行中偶然结识的朋友。
We are the casual acquaintance of a long railway journey.

Words with the chinese character jie shi(结识)
