
how to write an zhao(according to) in chinese

pinyinàn zhào
eanglish meaningaccording to; in accordance with; pursuant; on the basis of; in the light of; in conformity to

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "按" (an)     detail about chinese character 按
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "照" (zhao)     detail about chinese character 照


Try writing this chinese words 按照 online

Basic explanations

1.  按照法律所规定
provided by law;

2.  按照惯例
according to the custom [practice];

3.  按照计划
as arranged; according to schedule;

4.  按照实际情况
in the light of actual conditions;

5.  按照说明书
to specification;

6.  按照位置调整
positional adjustment;

7.  按照习惯
according to the usage;

8.  按照自愿原则
on a voluntary basis;

9.  按照贡献大小, 分别给予奖励
award people according to their contributions;

10.  方案已按照群众意见修改了。
The scheme has been revised in accordance with the opinions of the masses.

Words with the chinese character an zhao(按照)
