
how to write rong yi(easily) in chinese

pinyinróng yì
eanglish meaningeasily; easy; likely; ready; simplicity; lightly; sweetly

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "容" (rong)     detail about chinese character 容
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "易" (yi)     detail about chinese character 易


Try writing this chinese words 容易 online

Basic explanations

1.  容易控制的局面
a situation easy to handle;

2.  容易理解的
readily comprehensible;

3.  说起来容易做起来难。
It's easier said than done.

4.  这台机床容易操作。
This lathe is easy to operate.

5.  不要把这事看得那么容易
Dont' think it will all be that easy.

6.  到那个地方是很容易的。
It's easy to get to that place.

1.  容易发生事故
be prone to accidents;

2.  容易晕船
be liable to seasickness;

3.  容易引起误会。
This is liable to cause misunderstanding.

4.  人们容易把这两个问题混淆起来。
People are apt to confuse the two issues.

5.  暴食暴饮容易得胃病。
Eating and drinking too much is likely to give one stomach trouble.