
how to write yi zhi(volition) in chinese

pinyinyì zhì
eanglish meaningvolition; purpose; pluck; will not; will

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "意" (yi)     detail about chinese character 意
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "志" (zhi)     detail about chinese character 志


Try writing this chinese words 意志 online

Basic explanations

1.  不以人的意志为转移
independent of man's will;

2.  锻炼意志
temper one's willpower;

3.  钢铁意志
iron will; iron determination;

4.  人民的意志
the will of the people;

5.  意志坚强的人
a man of strong will; a strong-willed man;

6.  增强战斗意志
heighten one's will to fight;

7.  他有不屈不挠的意志
He is endowed with indomitable will.

Words with the chinese character yi zhi(意志)

意志   意志