
how to write mo hu(vague) in chinese

pinyinmó hu
eanglish meaningvague; obscure; dim; indistinct; opaque; opacity

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "模" (mo)     detail about chinese character 模
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "糊" (hu)     detail about chinese character 糊


Try writing this chinese words 模糊 online

Basic explanations

1.  模糊的景象
a hazy scene; obscure view;

2.  模糊的印象
vague impression;

3.  童年时代的模糊记忆
dim memories of one's childhood;

4.  认识模糊
have but a hazy understanding;

5.  声音模糊
have an obscure sound;

6.  雾使景色模糊
Mists blurred the views.

7.  她泪眼模糊
Her eyes blurred with tears.

1.  模糊二者的界限
confuse the distinction between the two;

2.  我对这意义还很模糊
The meaning is still obscure to me.

Words with the chinese character mo hu(模糊)
