
how to write ai hu(care for) in chinese

pinyinài hù
eanglish meaningcare for; care; cherish; take good care of; treasure

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "爱" (ai)     detail about chinese character 爱
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "护" (hu)     detail about chinese character 护


Try writing this chinese words 爱护 online

Basic explanations

1.  爱护年轻一代
care for the younger generation;

2.  爱护国家财产
take good care of state property;

3.  爱护视力
take good care of eyesight;

4.  爱护群众的积极性
cherish the initiative of the masses;

5.  爱护儿童
take good care of children; bring up children with loving care;

6.  爱护祖国的一草一木
cherish every tree and every blade of grass in our country

Words with the chinese character ai hu(爱护)
