
how to write bian cheng(become) in chinese

pinyinbiàn chéng
eanglish meaningbecome; turn into; change into; make; develop into; grow; -ify

  Stroke order of the Chinese words "变" (bian)     detail about chinese character 变
  Stroke order of the Chinese words "成" (cheng)     detail about chinese character 成


Try writing this chinese words 变成 online

Basic explanations

1.  把沙漠变成良田
transform a desert into fertile farmland;

2.  那落后的地方变成了工业中心。
The backward place has changed into an industrial centre.

3.  结果坏事变成了好事。
As a result, the bad thing has been turned into a good one.

4.  她的希望变成了泡影。
Her hopes [aspirations] are unrealized.

5.  物质可以变成精神, 精神可以变成物质。
Matter can be transformed into consciousness and consciousness into matter.

6.  旧社会的奴隶变成了新社会的主人。
The slaves of the old society have become the masters of the new society.

Words with the chinese character bian cheng(变成)

变成   变成